The Wiki Of Everything Wiki

In case the new wiki update changes the name of the badges and makes them obsolete. (incoming spam alert)

EDIT: The badge names have been fixed! Though you still can't view previous badges. You can still view this page in spite of the fix.

EDIT: Now that's false. You can view previous badges now!

Editing Badges[]

Picture Badges[]

Category Badges[]

Wiki Love[]

Miscalleneous Wiki Badges[]





Pages made by the creator of everything.[]


Toad Trio (no images, sorry)[]

  1. Toad! - Make an edit on a Toad Trio article
  2. Toadette! - 5 TT edits
  3. Toadsworth! - 10 TT edits
  4. Toad Trio - 25 TT edits
  5. There they are! - 50 TT edits
  6. They rock! - 100 TT edits
  7. KEEP GOING - 250 TT edits
  8. Toad yes!Do the crater crawl! - 500 TT edits and beyond